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A set of ethical rules is a set of guidelines that should be followed when doing a job or profession. These rules help ensure that people are doing their job in a responsible and ethical way.



Rationalist thinkers were discussing the source of knowledge and asked empiricists, "How do we know what is good and what is bad?" The empiricists suggested that what is good for the majority is good, which is called the consequentalist approach because it looks at the results of an action. Kant disagreed and said that being good is a duty, which is called deontology.



This doctrine states that doing what is right and fulfilling your duties is more important than anything else. No matter what the result is, some actions and behaviors are necessary, such as keeping promises, staying true to yourself, being honest, and acting with integrity. This doctrine believes that these values are essential for growth.



Doing homework can be a difficult task. It requires you to take the information you learned in class and apply it to the assignment.



Oh, I forgot... I haven't met anyone who died because of doing something that goes against their moral beliefs either.



Medical schools typically offer a course in the first year of study. I think it would make more sense to teach this course after students have moved on to the clinical part of their studies. Therefore, some schools offer the course again in the fourth year. The equivalent of this course is called Homework Science.



The science of duty is the study of what is right and wrong, and the obligations and responsibilities that come with it. It is the knowledge of the rules set by society and the consequences of breaking them. It is the understanding of what should and should not be done.

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